Schedule and Location

Our group meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month at the Nokomis Fire Station. From Sarasota or North, proceed a few blocks south of Albee Road on US 41 (past Matthews-Currie Ford) to Pavonia Road. Turn right (West, toward the bay) at the Fire Station's flashing yellow caution traffic light. From the south on US 41, we are two blocks north of Dona Bay. Turn left onto Pavonia Road at the flashing yellow caution light. At the Fire Station, drive to the fire hall's far end or west side; PLEASE DO NOT BLOCK THE FIRE DEPARTMENT DOORS! We gather in the training room at the far end of the complex for a meet and greet at 6:00 pm but call the Meeting to order at 6:30 pm and take a Ten-minute break at around 7:50 pm. Meeting Adjourns: 9:00 pm

Sunday, September 22, 2024

September 18, 2024


Ten of our writers attended the meeting tonight. We began the night with a discussion on Mentoring. Anne More is working on a project where she interviewed seventy women who were seventy years of age. These women wish to share their experiences with younger women. They feel they can mentor the next generations by sharing knowledge gained throughout their lifetimes. Our discussion centered around those who have mentored us in the past. Anne is finding a disparity in mentorship between women and men. It seems a large percentage did not consider others acting as mentors. At the same time, men enjoyed a much higher rate of mentors in their youth. Is this a perception issue, or do women fail to mentor younger women? What is a mentor? Hmmm, think about it.


Don Westerfield is a senior statesman in our group. His stories and poetry hold the tone of seniority. As a Nonagenarian, 90 to 99 years of age, Don has served his country, raised his family, and developed an outlook on life that suits his experience. His poetry reflects that outlook. This evening’s readings give us an insight into his world. To Give the Devil His Due shows us a man accepting the passage of time who is not yet ready to give up on life but has accepted a reckoning is coming. As we hear The Nature Of Things, we understand how we do not control the world around us. A predetermined set of rules sets us apart from other creatures and maps out the path for all. After all, males are male, females are female, water is water, and fire is fire, and a Robin must sing as only a Robin can sing.


Moonrise is the title of a new work by Danny Spurlock. Danny attacks a sensitive subject with understanding and aplomb. After a diagnosis of prostate cancer, Danny’s character undergoes RALPS, Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery, to eliminate the cancer from his body. Among the side effects of the procedure is an inability to facilitate a penial erection. Using the recommended techniques, Danny’s protagonist keeps his hopes alive of returning to a routine and loving sex life with his wife. This evening, as the couple sits on an outdoor deck overlooking the bay, they watch the moonrise, and he watches his wife’s smile. He realizes he still loves her, noticing that her full smile of youth has turned into a half-smile of age and wisdom.


James H. Kelly continues his saga of the Mackinzie family as soldiers across the history of the United States of America. From the Civil War to the eve of WWI, the Mackinzie family has served, sacrificed, and died in service to the country. Now, the fourth generation of Mackinzie men are preparing to serve as two of them attend a respected Military Academy in New England. They travel to Missouri for Christmas and meet up with their Grandfather, Father, and other family members. As a family of Calverymen, the subject of how much longer a Calvery will be needed arises. The oldest of the grandsons is a senior cadet, and this is his last term at the Academy. He announces his curiosity about a newly formed school being put together by Jack Persing and George Patton. It looks like tanks can replace the Calvery in modern warfare.


Bruce Haedrich never fails to impress us with his subject matter. He is presently attempting to tell the history of Empires in a novel form. Therein, a story with epic status may be in the making. Sometimes, fiction is a better vehicle for such far-reaching subjects than an essay. We know Bruce can do it, and we stand ready to help.


When Nancy Old took the floor to read a chapter from her memoir, we heard a tale of Aunts and Uncles as Nancy and her mom visit three of Mom’s sisters. Cooking for the farm hands in a hot kitchen for a midday meal in the soaring heat of two stoves is not a pleasure. Serving the men, many of whom are sweaty and reek of the farm animals. Manners are often left at the door when tired, hungry men attack the food with a gusto unseen at the gentile tables of many families. A second household brims with prayer and religious supplication, almost to a fault. Undo criticism and harsh punishment kept the fun out of their family life. Maybe Mom and her Sisters suffered from an obscure curse that kept them from choosing husbands well. Mom’s first husband had been an abusive drunk. Their only compatibility was that they were both from Tennessee.


That seems to cover the meeting for this time. We meet again on October 2 at 6:30 in our Nokomis Firehouse. Until then, KEEP ON WRITING!

Monday, August 26, 2024

August 21st, 2024

Eleven writers arrived at the firehouse this evening. As it turns out, four of us have birthdays this month. Ernie, Don, Dennis, and Rod all celebrate this month. Erinie’s wife, Linda, and Rod’s wife, Betsy, figured having a party for the group would be a good idea. We all enjoyed a generous slice of cake before we called the meeting to order. Thank you all for celebrating with us, and a special thank you to Linda for bringing the cake.


With eleven writers in attendance, and ten of them with work to share, we opened up with Ernie Ovitz reading a speech he’d written entitled, The Devil Made Me Do It, with credit given to the late Flip Wilson. A weakness for food lies in many of us. We try to lose weight, but that little devil wiggling around in our brain makes us give in to the desire to munch on some tasty tidbit that turns into a whole quart of ice cream, half a turkey, or a box of chocolates. Remember that 18 pounds we lost? THEY’RE BACK!


What is an Empire, and how long do they last? This is the question Bruce Haedrich is studying and plans to write an educational essay on. Bruce has begun his research and identified empires dating back over 2,500 years. Each of those he’s identified went through seven distinct historical periods. Is the USA an American Empire? Where are we? In what stage of establishment or decline are we? Maybe Bruce will enlighten us.


Regressing in time and crossing the Atlantic Ocean to “Jolly Old England,” we find ourselves in London during World War II. In War and Infidelity, Don Westerfield tells the tale of two lovers in the throes of a love affair rife with interruptions and challenges amid an international conflict. They are married, but not to each other. She is a nurse, and he is an Air Force Pilot. In this segment of the story, fate intervenes. Michael, the pilot, is badly injured while returning from dropping off the ‘Pathfinder’ troops over France on D-Day. The surgeon who repaired the damage to his leg is his lover’s husband. Does he suspect? Will Michael recover? We’ll find out next meeting.


A white-water enthusiast, Richard Cope, brings us a poem entitled, The Water is White. It hails respect for the powerful force of river rapids. Too deep to ford and too swift to cross, it is like an old flame, always alive in memory. His second reading, Another August, recalls the heat of the Sun as it begins its journey toward Fall yet still lingers long in the sky.


Nashville 1973, in Brown’s Pool Hall, no nine-ball is allowed. Danny Spurlock tells of a pool hall owner who has a thing about the number nine. Brown believes terrible things happen on the ninth. The pool hall remains locked on the ninth of the month. Even nine o’clock is shunned, don’t mention it. Everyone knows not to break the rules if they want to play pool at Brown’s. The local beat cop pops in daily for a cold drink and maybe a sandwich, except on the ninth of the month.


The Mackenzie family saga continues. It's 1917, and almost Christmas. Tremain’s sons attend Norwich University a Military School in New England. A terrible war rages in Europe. How long will it be before the United States enters the war. Tremain Mackenzie now serves as commanding officer with the Buffalo Soldiers. His command has been transferred to the Southwestern United States to chase Pancho Villa out of the U.S. The boys are dismissed for the holidays and travel across the country to be with their family.


In this reading of Strategic Deception, Grace puts out feelers in Eastern Europe to find Vitali, a programmer who may have changed her program from a boon to mankind into a tool that might bring down governments. He has been taken by someone, but why? By whom? Was the woman he lived with his betrayer? Was he betrayed?


Anne Moore took time off from her 70 at 70 project to bring us a couple of poems. In Activism, Ann advises us to ‘Shine On.’ While in Don, there is no relation to our Don, who seems to revel in cleaning his meth lab and/or his AR-15 in the nude. Good work, Anne!


To close out the reading portion of the evening, Dennis Cathcart took the floor reading about his Grandson’s 13th birthday. The young man is now in his mid-twenties, and how things have changed. We look back at our youth and see changes galore. We were taught using different methods. We often were off at the crack of dawn, completing our chores as quickly as possible to get to the important stuff, like fishing, collecting reptiles, or just having fun.


Well, that’s all I have to say for this session, except READ, READ, READ, and KEEP ON WRITING. I hope to see you on September 4th at the firehouse.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

August 7th, 2024


Welcome back, Writers. It was a beautiful evening despite having endured a Tropical Storm that brought a lot of wind and rain our way. Water woes seemed to take the headlines as the windstorm portion had minimal impact. A few trees were uprooted, and some power lines fell, but the water wreaked havoc on our streets and low-lying properties. At this time, our group of writers has reported minor damage. Stay prepared and stay safe. Another one is brewing in the Atlantic.

Nine of our stalwarts were on hand, plus two newbies, Kristen Kennedy and Joe Custodi, joined us for the first time. Both came prepared to share some of their work with us. Very nice work it was.

Rod read an excerpt from The Write Stuff penned by Doug Sahlin. Doug is a member of our group and writes the Yale Larsson Mystery Novels, available on Amazon. This article, Promoting Your Book on Social Media, contains many helpful suggestions and ideas for getting your work noticed by using Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Thank you, Doug.


We opened the reading portion of this evening. Rod deviated from the usual format of ‘first to arrive is first to read.’ Kristen was an early arrival and had not experienced the reading portion of the meeting. Rod allowed experienced readers to show the way before introducing the newcomers. For that reason, Bruce Haedrich opened with an announcement. After a few weeks of writing, Bruce stopped working on his newest Dan Marin mystery. His latest project is taking the form of an essay, similar to his previous work, Gaia. Bruce will attempt to explore the reasons for and history of fallen empires and compare the circumstances to what is happening today.


War and Infidelity takes place in the war-torn England of the 1940s. Don Westerfield spins a yarn in which a couple falls in love amid the chaos of war and searches for time to be together. A nurse and pilot from the midwestern United States meet again in London. Although they knew each other in the States, they were not lovers. Due to the stresses and demands of their duties, they find little time to be alone. Then, the nurse’s husband, a renowned surgeon, is sent to London. Oh, what is about to happen?


Danny Spurlock tells a tale he is constructing for younger readers about mythical beings that adults tend not to see. Gnomes may well inhabit our gardens. Stealthy creatures who can seem to appear and disappear at will. A young gardener, Liam, is perplexed by a pair of Gnomes who play tricks on him. Young Liam sets out to determine how to rid his garden of these pesky creatures. With the sage advice of a slightly older girl, Rose, he finds a solution. Pink Flamingos frighten Gnomes. Putting an inflated pool toy resembling a Pink Flamingo in the center of his garden does the trick. The Gnomes beg him to remove it. But he will not, and they flee into the woods. Problem solved–or is it?


Returning to Paris, Richard Cope continues with his story of Sarah Covington. At a party in Paris, Sarah meets Sir Winston, a gentleman who knows too much about her. Sarah’s past and past addictions catch up with her as she finds herself with as much cocaine as she can have. This may not be the best time to reintroduce her nemesis, as she has a concert within a day.


Chapter Seven of Strategic Deception follows Grace’s attempt to find Vitally. Ursula Wong sends us on a journey into the dark world of high-tech espionage in Eastern Asia as an American software designer attempts to track down a programmer who has changed her software into a tool capable of bringing down society. A nefarious distributor has purchased the rights to her design but plans to implement the changes and sell it to the world.


In her first reading, Kristen Kennedy brings us to Sicily when a major earthquake shakes the island. Seventeen-year-old Eva and her boyfriend, Vico, plan to run away together. The quake changes their plans. A Mafia recruiter from Messina and a Ship’s Captain play a role in separating the pregnant Eva from Vico. She is alone aboard the ship with the Captain and his crew. Will we find out what happens next meeting?


In his first reading, Joe Custodi tells us of a husband and wife who each buy a lottery ticket and use the same numbers. They win! Each has an equal share of the jackpot. What happens in this household as the wife shouts, We Won, Oh Lord, We Won.


Well, folks, we’ve been blessed with cliffhangers, and I can’t wait to see what happens next. So, join us at the firehouse at 6:00 PM on August 21st and see for yourself. But until then, READ, READ, and READ SOME MORE. Then, KEEP ON WRITING.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

July 17th, 2024

 It’s Florida in July, so it is hot, but that didn’t deter nine writers from attending our meeting, including Barbara Frickel. Welcome Barbara. It’s always good to see you.

Thank goodness for air conditioning. Having grown up in this area, I didn’t used to mind the heat. But now, as I approach the beginning of my eightieth year, the heat takes its toll on my endurance.

As eight of our nine attendees looked to read some of their work, we immediately moved into the reading portion of the meeting, starting with Barbara Frickel, who read an excerpt from Peter’s unfinished work. An aging Legionnaire, who remains unnamed, attends his love, Mammon, as she lies in repose on her deathbed. He knows she is in pain as she slips slowly toward the end of her earthly stay. A silent whisper of his respect escapes his lips as he cajoles himself, “Be brave, like a man.”


The history of Rome and those who ruled it is rife with stories of great courage and evil. With so much power and wealth available, corruption was inevitable. Even those who sat in the seat of ultimate power yearned for more. Ernie Ovitz tells us how some of Rome’s vast wealth in the Western Empire came under the protection of a lowly Miller in Gaul. Emperor Constantine’s father-in-law, Maximain a deposed Emperor, attempts to regain his throne and dispatches a nefarious general to Gaul to recover the treasury so that he could solidify the position he’d gained by deception. Where was the wealth of a nation? The general searched the mill to no avail. The loyal Miller had hidden the Empire’s gold well.


In Chapter Four of Gnomes, Danny Spurlock tells us of a young gardener named Liam whose garden is being disturbed by Gnomes. Ten-year-old Liam must go to a place of danger for a solution. Behind the pump-house in the park, teenage bullies often hang out and have been known to abuse youngsters who venture into their claimed territory. But Liam must invade the forbidden site to find Rose, a girl believed to know the secret to expelling the unwanted Gnomes from Liam’s garden. Using every ounce of courage he could muster, Liam finds Rose, but Chaz, a notorious bully, is there too. Facing his fear, Liam confronts Chaz and is surprised when Rose rebukes Chaz and comes to Liam’s aid. She also tells him of Pink Flamingos! Stay tuned for more next time.


Bruce Haedrich brings us another of his Dan Marin mysteries. After struggling with the opening chapter, Bruce launches into the story as Dan sets out on a mission to find the person or persons responsible for the murder of his wife and children in Washington, D.C. Before he can begin, Dan must take care of the funeral for his family. As they are citizens of Oceana, a country made up of fleets of ships, they have a burial at sea of the cremated remains of Dan’s wife and two children, and Dan plans his subsequent actions.



Don Westerfield continued his tale of two people thrust into the war in Europe in 1941. The Pilot and Nurse are each married but wish to become lovers. Thwarted in their attempts to be together, they take a trip into the countryside of England. Fate intervenes, and they are recalled to duty before they can take action based on their desires. A transfer, our pilot, is needed in South Africa, but the nurse will remain in London. Will their desires ever find fruition?


One of the advantages of our group is that it is made up of eclectic authors. We get to hear great prose interspersed with fantastic poetry. Tanya Young graced us this evening with a poem entitled, The Wild Edge of Things. Tanya reads her work well, and we can hear the excitement and anticipation of her work in her voice. Much of poetry’s enjoyment can come with the delivery. Thank you, Tanya.


Military history is James H. Kelly’s forte. Jim is embarking on a fifth story after completing four books, now in print and as ebooks available on Amazon. It is a continuation of the MacKenzie family’s service to their country. A fourth generation of MacKenzies goes to war. This time in Europe during the Great War, WWI. A new weapon for the U.S. Army is coming. New heroes join the fight as the young MacKenzie joins George Patton at the newly formed Tank School as the Yankee Division, the 26th Division, is formed.


Rod read from a new mystery he’s begun. A grave is found in an overgrown garden. The fifty-two-year-old grave of Dolf Duggan, unearthed while expanding a garden, reopens a missing person case. Dolf’s only surviving brother comes to claim the remains. The Sheriff raises doubts about Dolf’s guilt or innocence.


Well, that's about it for this session, but remember, Read, read, read, and KEEP ON WRITING.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

July 3rd, 2024

 It was a damp evening on our nation’s birthday eve, but seven stalwart writers met at the firehouse. Because there were only seven attendees, we had time to discuss what and how we do things in our writing lives. Rod brought up a situation in which a person with whom he’s had correspondence asked him for a critique of a story recently written.

How do you critique writing?

1. When you know the writer?

2. When the person writing the piece is unknown to you?

3. When the writer is a member of your Writer’s Group?

As we pondered these questions, one word emerged as the cornerstone of our critique process: HONESTY. It's the key to our approach, whether we're critiquing a friend, a stranger, or a fellow writer in our group.

Whether the writer is a friend, stranger, or business acquaintance, critique should be honest but tactful. Don’t be rude. Always consider the purpose of the piece and what the writer is attempting to do with it. Each of us has our writing style and must be considerate of others in forming a critique. Peter Frickel once said, “No matter how you say it, a critique is critical.”  It is best to point out apparent errors of any ilk, grammar, spelling, and the like, but challenging the expressed ideas is unnecessary. Sure, if the ideas are not transparent or factually incorrect, note that and suggest a change. But, before recommending a change, ensure what you are suggesting is factually correct and not simply an opinion expressed by yourself or even an expert in the field. Make sure it is a proven fact! Remember, you are making suggestions, not rewriting another’s work. The writer may ignore your suggestions; they are the author.

As we navigate the challenging terrain of critique, we approach the reading portion of our evening. Here, we listen and critique, recognizing that each critique is a chance to learn and grow in our craft.

Starting the evening, Dennis Cathcart read us an appropriate piece entitled The Cone of Uncertainty. This time of year, along the coast of the United States, we live with the possibility of experiencing a hurricane. Predicting the path of these storms has improved over the years, but it’s still not an exact science. With each storm, an area in advance of the swirling winds widens from the point precisely positioning the storm’s center, or eye as it’s known, to where the eye will pass. The further out, the wider the predicted path becomes. It forms a cone-shaped area depicting the eye’s path, the cone of uncertainty. We live in that area much of the time during the storm season. As the storm nears and the cone contracts, we prepare. Often, storms move, and our preparations prove unneeded as in Dennis’ case on several occasions, but it was still expensive. Dennis expresses his feelings well in the last two sentences, “Maybe it’s from spending my life in Florida, in and out of the danger zone of hurricanes, or perhaps from a lifetime of travels and adventures to places few have known? No, I’ll take living ‘in the cone’ any day.


Gnomes is the title of Danny Spurlock’s youth-oriented story. Searching for anyone who has experience or knows about gnomes, our young gardener speaks to people in the neighborhood who might help him rid, or at least make peace, with a pair of gnomes who mess with his garden and gardening tools. He’s directed to speak with a girl who often hangs out behind the pump house in the park, an area known to harbor tough teens usually looking for trouble. Passing through an opening in the surrounding fence, a feeling of dread envelopes him.


It’s WWII, and Don Westerfield’s story of two young Americans stationed in England continues. Able to wangle a weekend off, the pilot and a beautiful nurse, both married to others still back in the States, set off exploring the countryside of England outside London. They spend a night in an inn. She is reluctant to enter into an affair, but nothing happens. But, the next day, they visit the surrounding area and return to the inn, planning on consummating their relationship. However, the innkeeper delivers a message to the pilot. It's an order to return to base at once.


Returning to the Dan Marin series of mysteries, Bruce Haedrich brings us a new tale. Bruce struggles with the opening chapter as he introduces a terrible moment in Dan Marin’s life. The Fugitive tells of Marin’s quest to find out who caused the death of his wife and children and bring them to justice. How will he finally get the opening paragraph to set the stage and provide a reason to keep reading?


Well, that sets the stage for our next meeting, which will be held on July 17th at the fire hall, as usual. Until you join us again, Keep On Writing.